GarageSale 8.1 Released
Thursday, May 14th, 2020
GarageSale 8.1, a much improved version of our eBay client for the Mac, is out.
Here is a short list of the most important changes for GarageSale 8.1:
Parts Compatibility: When listing vehicle parts, you can now specify a list of compatible vehicles on eBay USA Motors, eBay Germany, eBay Australia and eBay UK.

CSV Import for Listings: GarageSale can import listings from files in arbitrary CSV formats. You can specify what column in your CSV file is mapped to what listing or inventory field in GarageSale.

Automatic Cancellation: When listings fixed-price items, you can now tell GarageSale to cancel your listing automatically a certain period before eBay renews your listings.

A comprehensive list of new features for GarageSale 8 and 8.1 is available here. To download GarageSale 8.1 on to your Mac right away, please visit our GarageSale page.