GarageBuy 2 Beta Testing
We just posted Beta 3 of GarageBuy 2, our free tool for keeping track of your eBay searches and purchasing items, to our website.
GarageBuy 2 has been re-engineered in almost every area:
- We needed to move GarageBuy to an entirely new eBay API for the second time in its history to prevent it from breaking once eBay shuts down the old API. GarageBuy 2 is now using eBay’s new Finding API.
- Searches in GarageBuy 2 can be modified directly from within the main window. Previously, you had to open a separate window to setup your search’s attributes.
- New back and forward buttons make it easy to switch between two versions of a search.
- You can now specify domains and aspects when setting up searches. This feature was available for some time on the eBay web page. Domains, like ‘shoes’ or ‘digital cameras’, let you search for a certain type of goods without having to specify a certain sub category first. Aspects, like Style, Color, and Shoe Size let pre-select certain item attributes for your searches.
- GarageBuy 2 will run in 64-bit on supported Macs for maximum performance.
If you run into any bugs with this beta, we’d like to hear from you.
And yes, GarageBuy 2 will be available for free.
April 28th, 2010 at 2:50 am
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