GarageBuy 1.0 Beta 5 released
We just released a new beta version of GarageBuy, our new application for searching and bidding on eBay:

GarageBuy 1.0 Beta 5 fixes a few glitches present in earlier development versions. If you are using any of the earlier beta releases, you should definitely update to this version.
GarageBuy is the first Mac application featuring eBay-certified bidding functionality. Bids can be placed instantly without having to wait for all those web pages to load.
It also features an intuitive Gallery view, which loads as many images from your found items as fit on your screen. You don’t have to open each single listing just to see how the item looks anymore.
Just start your existing copy and the built-in update mechanism will install the current release on your mac automatically.
For more more information and the download link, please visit the GarageBuy home page.
July 6th, 2007 at 11:02 am
Will GarageBuy support bidding for X dollars at Y time? So I can, for instance, set an auction to bid Z secs before the auction ends. Of course this all assume GarageBuy is open and running.
July 6th, 2007 at 11:14 am
GarageBuy only supports manual bidding (a.ka. ‘good karma’). Implementing automatic bidding is not allowed for bids made through eBay’s official API for third-party applications, which GarageBuy uses.
September 24th, 2007 at 4:38 pm
I am or better say I was happy, happy user of “Garage-Sale” till this moment when accidentally I have updated to latest version of this software. This new like iTunes selection pallet for templates is a huge draw back since it slow down this software in all aspects. Sure, it look nice, but this software is not for plying around, we consider this software as production tool to make money on eBay.
The Old site bar with templates was quick, convenient and mostly productive. This new approach is at least ridicules. Please incorporate some option to this so we can move fast as it was in old times with previous version of this otherwise great software.