Search eBay efficiently with GarageBuy 3
We just released GarageBuy 3 for iPhone and iPad, our free app for searching eBay efficiently, on the App Store.
GarageBuy lets you setup sophisticated searches on eBay and remembers what items you’ve already seen. Just like a newsreader app, GarageBuy keeps track of the number of new items for your searches. You can hide items you have previously seen and focus on new arrivals!

Your saved searches and viewed items are synched through iCloud, so when you are done reviewing items on the couch with your iPad, you can pick up where you left off with your iPhone on the way to the office.
GarageBuy lets you place bids and purchase “Buy It Now” items. You can authorize multiple eBay accounts and switch between them on the fly.
GarageBuy is a free download from the App Store and requires iOS 5 or later.