Excellent Software Developmentfor Mac and iOS

Listing CounterThis is the number of all currently running eBay listings, created with GarageSale. This makes it the most popular eBay tool for Mac!
October 5th, 2005:

GarageSale 1.9.1 Released

GarageSale 1.9.1 is out. You can grab it from here. The new release tracks auctions not posted by GarageSale, too. And there is a new checkbox in the shipping panel for the ‘Local Pickup’ option. Complete release notes are on the GarageSale home page.

September 30th, 2005:

GarageSale Birthday Special

GarageSale turned 1 last week. To celebrate first GarageSale’s birthday we are giving away the single user for $19.99 until next Monday. Click here to get to the birthday offer page in our store. No matter if you already bought GarageSale are about to buy it now, there will be no update fee for version 2.

September 30th, 2005:

GarageSale 1.9 Released

GarageSale 1.9 is out! It comes with a completely redesigned interface and can display preview thumbnails of the available design templates. Several new commands have been added to the template mechanism. See the user guide on the disk image on how to include thumbnails in your item description.

September 29th, 2005:

GarageSale Pro now free!

Starting today we are offering the GarageSale Pro service free of charge. In case you didn’t now GarageSale Pro enables you to track your auction’s state from within GarageSale, list items with product information and request live insertion fees from eBay.

If you currently subscribe to GarageSale Pro, you have nothing to do. Your subscription simply won’t expire.

If you had a demo subscription for GarageSale Pro before, which has already
expired, just enter the account details from the original subscription e-mail again and your account will be re-activated.

If you never had a GarageSale Pro subscription, you can sign up for free at here..

September 29th, 2005:

GarageSale scores in Mac Generations Trophées développeurs

GarageSale made it to the third place in MacGeneration’s Trophées développeurs. View the contents web page here (it’s in french, though). That’s just the kind of news we like to hear.