Auf eBay suchen, bieten und kaufen

Version 4.0.2Was ist neu?
Neu in Version 4.0.2(2022-05-03):

Die aktuelle Version von GarageBuy ist nurnoch in Apples App Store verfügbar. Bitte benutzen Sie folgenden Link, um die aktuelle Version zu installieren.
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Aktuelle Version:GarageBuy 4.0.2Erscheinungsdatum:2022-05-03 VersionsverlaufSprache(n):Englisch
DeutschAnforderungen:Mac OS X 10.12
oder neuer
- Bitte warten, bis der Download abgeschlossen ist.
- Die heruntergeladene "dmg"-Datei öffnen.
- Das GarageBuy-Programm in Ihren "Programme"-Ordner legen.
- Das war's schon! Jetzt können Sie GarageBuy starten.
DeutschAnforderungen:Mac OS X 10.12
oder neuer
Ältere Versionen
- GarageBuy 3.1.1
- Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-04-24
- Sprache(n):
Deutsch - Anforderungen:
Mac OS X 10.7
oder höher
GarageBuy 4.0.2
Die aktuelle Version von GarageBuy ist nurnoch in Apples App Store verfügbar. Bitte benutzen Sie folgenden Link, um die aktuelle Version zu installieren.
GarageBuy 3.6
- improved item details view
- now supports eBay’s new and more secure OAuth2 authentication mechanism
- new UI for upgraded accounts in Preferences
- fixed some issues with notifications when you have authorized multiple accounts
GarageBuy 3.5.3
- added native support for Apple silicon
- improved support for new macOS Bug Sur
GarageBuy 3.5.2
- fixed crash in macOS 11 when opening the search options popover
Alle anzeigen
GarageBuy 3.5.1
- fixed a UI glitch in the item picture view
GarageBuy 3.5
- added support for macOS Dark Mode
- new toolbar
- improved reliability of syncing (read items)
- fixed possible crash/stall in auto updater
- fixed crash when receiving notifications with sound
GarageBuy 3.4.2
- added title to notifications (item ended, outbid, etc.)
- fixed issues when syncing read items
GarageBuy 3.4.1
- fixed deadlock/crash when synchronizing search requests
GarageBuy 3.4
- improved speed when downloading data from eBay
- fixes some nasty crashes when downloading data from eBay or our sync service
- more reliable syncing of favorites and read items
- fixed flip display for time remaining in bid panel for non-retina displays
- improved compatibility between the version from App Store and our website
- end times of items that are no longer available from eBay are handled much more reliable
GarageBuy 3.4b2
- removed UI glitches in flip display for time remaining in bid panel for non-retina displays
- fixed compatibility between the version from App Store and our website
- improved handling of end times for items that are no longer available from eBay
- speed up downloading data from eBay
- fixes some nasty crashes when downloading data from eBay or our sync service
- more reliable syncing of favorites and read items
GarageBuy 3.3.5
- fixed empty search settings popover
GarageBuy 3.3.4
- improved speed and reliability of syncing favorites and read items
- fixed crashes (hangs/deadlocks) when downloading data
GarageBuy 3.3.4b3
- improved speed and reliability of syncing favorites and read items
- fixed crashes (hangs/deadlocks) when downloading data
GarageBuy 3.3.2
- worked around an issue that prevented GarageBuy users from completing eBay’s third party client authorization process
GarageBuy 3.3.1
- can now add favorites with item IDs
- correctly signed for MacOS 10.15 Catalina
GarageBuy 3.3
- fixes UI glitches in macOS 10.14 Mojave
- syncing through iCloud also supported in the non-AppStore version
- no longer updating all searches when a new search is created
- can now handle multiple accounts properly
GarageBuy 3.2
- Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit OS X Yosemite wurden behoben
GarageBuy 3.1.2
- updated to meet new code signing requirements in upcoming OS X releases
GarageBuy 3.1.1
- added "mark all items as read" command to the search table's context menu
- improved syncing
GarageBuy 3.1
- brings back list view mode for search results
- improved search result caching for faster switching between searches
- shows eBay's new condition description if present
- added filter field for search results
- amount fields in item detail area are updated when new data from eBay is received
- shows eBay's new item condition if present below title field in item detail view
- fixed a problem with correctly saving list of read items
- first search is selected on startup
- item detail view updates favorite star when favorite status changes
- panel for pairing app with iOS counterpart only shows up once
- added "mark all items as read" command to context menu for search outline view
- added menu command for marking an item as favorite
- added menu command for hiding and showing read items
GarageBuy 3.0.1
- Completely re-designed user interface
- All code has been rewritten from scratch for better performance
- Synchronizes viewed items and searches with GarageBuy for iPhone and iPad
- Supports purchasing of multi-variation items
- Artwork is optimized for new MacBooks with Retina screen
- Marks items automatically as 'read' when they are visible for a customizable period of time
GarageBuy 2.1.5
- fixed French and German localization
GarageBuy 2.1.4
- signed with Mountain Lion compatible Gate Keeper certificate for identified developers
GarageBuy 2.1.3
- changed window minimum size
- fixed size of the BuyItNow images
- main window can now be made full screen
GarageBuy 2.1.2
- fixed: Growl 1.3 wouldn't work with GarageBuy
- fixed: GarageBuy wouldn't quit in a different way than via its own quit menu item
GarageBuy 2.1.1
- changed max item per search selector to a handy popup button
- shows item condition again
- now shows numbers of not downloaded item in dark grey area
- fixed a crash that could happen, when a search was deleted
- fixed a bug where the inspector was not shown correctly
GarageBuy 2.1
- supports Mac OS X Lion
- searches can now filter by item condition
- divider positions are saved now
- added Located In and Available To searches
- looks harder for existing calendar event before generating a new one
- fixed disappearing unread marks
- fixed a case where corrupted images could lock up GarageBuy
- added a preference option to only schedule iCal events for items that were watched in GarageBuy
- less network traffic when starting GarageBuy
- limited max size of specifics overlay window
- fixed crash bugs
GarageBuy 2.0.9
- quits faster
- fixed a bug regarding distance search
- fixed some views not shown correctly bugs
- various under-the-hood improvements
- added french BuyItNow images (AchatImmédiat)
GarageBuy 2.0.8
- updating all searches when there are a lot of searches does not clog GarageBuy anymore
- saved searches database file is backupped now
- fixed a spelling mistake
- added French localization (Thanks to Raoul Fesquet for the hard work!)
- catches more different clicks correctly from the webview
- fixed a special case where a Gallery plus image wouldn't load
GarageBuy 2.0.7
- Tell-a-friend email now contains the seller name
- handles symlinked cache directory correctly now
- fixed a bug where GarageBuy would freeze when too much old data accumulated in the database
- fixed a crash that affected 10.5 users
GarageBuy 2.0.6
- changed the place bid window in a way which makes it harder to bid an incorrect amount
- added "alarm 1 day before auction ends" option to preferences
- fixed a bug where the feedback score of a seller was incorrectly shown as 0%
- fixed a bug where the wrong calendar was chosen.
- fixed a bug where the price and other info would vanish from the auction view
- corrected german localization
- drag and drop of URLs starting with works now
GarageBuy 2.0.5
- fixed a bug where search results were vanishing
- fixed a huge memory leak
- fixed a condition where aspect filters were not applied
- removed the unlimited search results checkbox (which was useless anyway since eBay restricts searches to 10 000 results now)
- fixed drag and drop of ebay auctions from the browser
- fixed a condition where excluding sellers wouldn't work
GarageBuy 2.0.4
- fixed expired token problem
- fixed problem deleting items from the source list
GarageBuy 2.0.3
- added a warning because an ex- or included invalid seller would yield zero results
- fixed a crash, when the user would delete certain system fonts from his system
- GarageBuy 2 stops using his own subfolder in Application Support, which means it is not possible to use GarageBuy 1.x and 2.0 in parallel anymore.
- downloading categories is faster and more reliable
- cosmetic changes
GarageBuy 2.0.2
- fixed a bug where auctions where shown in the wrong currency.
GarageBuy 2.0.1
- fixed a condition where local search would not work
GarageBuy 2.0
- uses Aspects and Categories from Finding API for quicker finding
- expandable/collapsable inspector view on the right
- added back and forward button in searches
- new bid window with flipping display and other GUI enhancements
- GUI enhancements in main window
- better listing type filtering
- improved category downloading window
- eBay keyword correction
- key equivalent for "Auction with Item ID"
- automatic import of Version 1 data. Both versions can be used in parallel
- added updating of all searches when GarageBuy is in the background
- 64bit
- code signing
- lots of bug fixes
GarageBuy 1.6.4
- drawing fixes
- deleted Watched Auctions are not redownloaded anymore
- checks Keychain key on startup
- scripts added to iCal events are now correctly preserved.
GarageBuy 1.6.3
- fixed a case where the state of the "Remove Watched Item when over threshold" was not correctly saved.
GarageBuy 1.6.2
- fixed the automatic generation of iCal events when not using the default calendar
- fixed a rare bug that kept GarageBuy from launching correctly
GarageBuy 1.6.1
- fixed the generation of iCal events for items that are not watched
- fixed the handling of iCal events when getting Watched Items from my eBay
- fixed the handling of iCal events of expired auctions
- fixed missing location in iCal events
- added one day as alarm duration
GarageBuy 1.6
- much better iCal integration with automatic calendar event creation
- price threshold for watched auctions
- keyboard short cut for showing / hiding item details
- avoid launching of more than one instance of GarageBuy
- new icons and and explanation window for all icons
- drops Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger support and adds Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard support
- fixed database upgrade bug where item descriptions where mixed up
- fixed database upgrade bug where upgrade failed altogether
- various small fixes and improvements
GarageBuy 1.5.8
- fixed problem with French localization
- reconnected new search
GarageBuy 1.5.7
- removed several crash bugs
GarageBuy 1.5.6
- removed searching for "now and new" auctions. "now and new" is not supported by eBay anymore.
- list/gallery/image view are not resorted when there's no need.
- fixed bogus growl notifications.
- fixed search progress display.
GarageBuy 1.5.5
- image view now shows the buy it now label like the other views
- the item ID is now coded into the name of a script
- fixed a problem when selecting watched items
- fixed a crash bug when running under Snow Leopard
GarageBuy 1.5.4
- updates item faster after bidding
GarageBuy 1.5.3
- fixed several crashes
- entries added to global blacklist filters items already in the database
- item specifics tooltip now vanishes more reliably
GarageBuy 1.5.2
- fixed a crash
- fixed the table header
GarageBuy 1.5.1
- fixed a crash
GarageBuy 1.5
- shows item specifics
- image scrubbing in Image View
- support for eBay Hong Kong
- toolbar buttons for changing the views
- pushes changes in Watched Items to My eBay
- overall fresher look of the app
- preconfigured search is called iwascoding products
- total price is not displayed incorrectly anymore when price and shipping differ in currency
- german and french localization update
- fixed a bug where watched auctions could not be deleted
GarageBuy 1.4
- dragging addresses of eBay item pages creates watched items
- will display item list when selecting multiple watched items
- added field for auction page URL above web view displaying auction
- improved purchasing of 'Immediate payment' items
- improvement memory management
- added time left to watched auction tooltip
- detail view can now be switched with command-4 and command-5
- searches can be duplicated
- added Mark All Items As Read to the searches context menu
- improved about panel
GarageBuy 1.3
- Searching can be confined to a price range
- Speed improvement
- Miscellaneous fixes
GarageBuy 1.2
- Sorting of searches and watched auctions in the sidebar
- Tell a Friend by email
- Proximity search by postal code
- Search without authorization token
- full Leopard support
- miscellaneous fixes
GarageBuy 1.1
- performance improvements
- added single image mode for viewing search result lists
- improved image display in item detail view
- improved handling of images with landscape orientation in gallery view mode
- remaing time for watched auction is shown in outline view
- auctions can be hidden from result list by pressing back space
- added French localization
GarageBuy 1.0
- initial release
10.12 und neuerPreise:
€ 3.49 (Monatliches Abonnement)Unterstützte Verkaufsplattformen:
eBay (20 Länder)
- eBay USA
- eBay Motors (USA)
- eBay Deutschland
- eBay UK
- eBay Australien
- eBay Italien
- eBay Frankreich
- eBay Österreich
- eBay Kanada
- eBay Schweiz
- eBay Irland
- eBay Spanien
- eBay Niederlande
- eBay Belgien (FR)
- eBay Belgien (NL)
- eBay Singapur
- eBay Philippinen
- eBay Indien
- eBay Hong Kong
- eBay Polen